Dėl draudimo prekiauti alkoholiniais gėrimais renginių, kuriuose


/ #183

2014-06-14 20:37

Nera saugaus, kulturingo,saikingo gerimo, kuris nekenktu sveikatai. Bet koks alkoholio kiekis- keicia nerviniu audiniu bukle. Apie tai kalba įvairios studijos. Association of Alcohol Consumption with Brain Volume in the Framingham Study: Arch Neurol. 2008;65(10):1363-1367

Tyrime dalyviai: " Participants were 1839 subjects from the Framingham Offspring Study who had a brain MRI between 1999-2001."

"...Our results are consistent with 2 recent studies in smaller samples. In a study of 405 Japanese men, both global and regional gray matter volumes were negatively correlated with lifetime alcohol intake"

"In another sample of 385 adults aged 60 to 64 years, greater alcohol consumption was associated with more brain atrophy. Neither of these studies found beneficial effects of low to moderate alcohol consumption"

"Participants reported at examination 7 the number of alcoholic drinks per week (beer, white wine, red wine, or liquor) they consumed during the past month. Alcohol consumption was recorded as a continuous variable and participants were classified into 1 of 5 categories that have been used in other studies abstainers, former drinkers (drinkers based on their drinking status at earlier examinations), low (1-7 drinks per week), moderate (8-14 drinks per week), and high (> 14 drinks per week)."

"... this study found that moderate alcohol consumption was not protective against normal age-related differences in total brain volume. Rather, the more alcohol consumed, the smaller the total brain volume."

"Our finding that sex modified the association between alcohol consumption and brain volume could be related to biological factors. Alcohol is absorbed more rapidly in women than in men, and in general women are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol than men. Women, on average, are smaller than men and have less blood to dilute the alcohol. Results from this study suggest that alcohol also has a greater negative effect on brain volume in women than in men. In our sample, twice as many men as women reported high alcohol consumption and more men also reported moderate alcohol consumption, which may suggest a behavioral rather than a biological explanation for these findings."