UŽ #laisvęrokenrolui
Uz laisve(Vilnius, 2017-05-10)
Forbid selling of alcohol in public festivals, then what? We won't be able to smoke ******* tobacco and drink dark beer on our own property? What happened to the ideal of FREE LITHUANIA? People go to festivals to live a happier, sharper life. A lot more interesting days with good music. Sorry, to introduce this argument here, but most of festival goers work 40-48 hours a week to save up for a great break from that bullshit economy. Yes it is stupid to be poor and drink beer, but that is something people do to survive the sadness and emptiness. So many hours in a shit job may leave people souless, no time to improve, no time to find anything interesting within the daily lifes, such gray mass becomes ******* sad, because a huge shitload of shitwork which pays shit...it's not what people live for. We live for the feeling of freedom. And the government is trying to take the few weeks of festivals, feeling free, because of what? So that people would bring their own alcohol from the big stores, so that fat rich pricks would get even fatter? there are plenty of small businesses who survive year to year solelly on the festival season. Them selling alcohol is as convenient as getting something to eat. come on! BAN FOOD AT FESTIVALS TO, TRUE FREEDOM IS NOT IN ADDICTIONS. But the some of suicidal ones (we've got plenty, dont hide the statistics) feel a greater need for alcohol than for food. Take away the easier reach of alcohol in festivals and then what? more violence. more deaths. ban festivals?
This shit is plain ridiculous. come'on mister good guy politician, ban rock music in Lithuania, because it propogates freedom of choice and also because you don't listen to rock. When was the last time you've seen an experianced Lithuanian politician in a festival?***** that. They don't feel empathy and act stupid on this one, because it's been way to long since they were young, free. Can we still stay young a bit longer?***** those constraints. as the news eyed the festivals years ago, there's more shit going on in the festivals. Alcohol isn't the only drug. When the government closed a door, you may find an open roof.
(Vilnius, 2017-05-11)
it's insane...(vilnius, 2017-05-11)
As pasirašau, nes žmogus turi turėti teise rinktis. Jei tokios nesamonės vyks ir toliau, tai valdžia draus viską sau, nes tik jie ir liks BEANGIOJE Lietuvoje(Vilnius, 2017-05-11)
Nes kvaili žmonės nori priimti kvailus istatymus!(Rokiskis, 2017-05-11)
#pasirinkimolaisve(Vilnius, 2017-05-11)
Nes tai apsurdas, pasirinkimo laisvės suvaržymas ir ligonių liguistos fantazijos.(Kaunas, 2017-05-12)
UŽ LAISVĘ ROKENROLUI(Pasvalys, 2017-05-12)
Už laisvę rokenrolui!(Vilnius, 2017-05-12)
Nes noriu gert(Jurbarkas, 2017-05-12)
Žmonės nusipelnė laisvės ir patys priimti sprendimus savo gyvenime. Tokie drastiški draudimai neišspręs pagrindinės problemos.(Klaipėda, 2017-05-13)
Už laisvę festivaliuose dulkinti girtas metalistes palapinėje - už rokenrolą!(Kaunas, 2017-05-14)
Uz laisvę ROKENROLUI !(Vilnius, 2017-05-15)